Dear Students
As 2020 draws to an end, we look back and realise what a tough year it has been for many of us. On behalf of TCA, I wish you all well and thank-you for your support throughout these uncertain times and hope you all have a safe and relaxing holiday season. We can’t wait to see you all in the face to face classes in the new year. A lot happened at TCA during 2020. Enjoy some of the highlights below:
For the seventeenth year, we proudly took part in the Australia Day Celebrations held at the Kings Domain Garden in the Melbourne CBD at 11.00 am on Saturday 26th January 2020.
A huge multi-cultural celebration, TCA again demonstrated Tai Chi and Health Qigong and held free classes for anyone who wished to join. With the growing public interest in general health, well-being and relaxation these ancient exercise were well received. We added colour and diversity to the traditional Australian way of celebrating Australia Day and look forward to returning next year.
The COVID19 virus outbreak worsened in Melbourne in March. At the peak of the endemic in China, doctors recommended to their patients and front line medical staff the practice of Health Qigong Ba Dua Jin, known for its many health benefits in particular, helping to build and maintain the immune system to prevent infections, to benefit lung function and the regular exercise improves fitness and general health.
TCA acknowledges the immense impact and disruption the COVID 19 crisis had on the TCA community and the community at large. Most of us were isolated at home and it was imperative that our most precious assets, health and well-being were maintained and strengthened.
We were in the fortunate position to help communities in this challenging time assisting them to exercise to relax the body, to regulate breathing and to calm the mind whilst working from home with the added pressure of children home from school. To help with your practice, we posted many Tai Chi programs free of charge to the general public, our students, their family and friends at:
We were unable to continue our regular Tai Chi at Federation Square when the COVID-19 virus levels continued to climb and the desired social distancing rule made it impossible to continue the classes face to face. We worked with Federation Square to produce suitable programs for the general public and posted them free of charge, on the internet.
Since 2015, TCA has worked closely with Channel 31 developing many Tai Chi and Health Qigong exercises for ‘Move It or Lose It’, a popular program broadcasted nationwide. This year, we proudly contributed to the health and wellbeing of the Italian and Vietnamese communities by producing programs in their own languages. These will be broadcast soon on Channel 31.
When the COVID 19 virus started in China, among the many Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments used was the Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin. Ba Duan Jin assists to improve lung function and to build the immune system. It is a simple and useful home-based practice to help prevent catching the virus and managing post recovery.
A video from china.org.au showing how TCM including Tai Chi and Ba Duan Jin helped to treat patients in China. It can be seen at:
The International Health Qigong Federation (IHQF), Chinese Health Qigong Association and Beijing Sport University have all organised and posted on the internet many Ba Duan Jin and other forms of Health Qigong free of charge to help people to combat COVID 19. See photos below.
TCA also organised a FREE zoom seminar to share a TCM exercise with the general public. This proved very popular with all participants.
The IHQF and Longcai Sports Group launched the ‘Longcai Global Health Qigong Time’ in February 2021.
It was broadcast live for 15 minutes at 10.00 and 16.00 Beijing time, every day. Health Qigong experts and teachers from around the world were invited to demonstrate Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin and explain the knowledge behind it. The teachers were different every week and different Health Qigong tips were also provided.
As the program is not limited by time and space and helps people to ease anxiety, improve concentration, to participate in exercise and to improve the immune system it was well received worldwide.
We are now all invited to take this unique opportunity to join the IHQF ‘Practice with the World…Welcome to the Globe Health Qigong’ seminars, to practice Ba Duan Jin with Health Qigong practitioners around the world.
Times daily: 9.30am, 1.00pm and 7.00pm (AEST) for 30 minutes. http://mudu.tv/live/watch/general?id=nm4a4g5m
Helen Flanagan who teaches at Think Pink, a sanctuary for women with breast cancer taught under difficult circumstances this year and reminds us that life goes on for many battling serious illness and compromised immune systems. The new custom built Think Pink Living Centre opened at Yarra’s Edge, Docklands in February, 2020. TCA began classes there, but due to COVID 19 stopped face to face classes in March. Classes resumed via Zoom every Friday from April to December giving women unable to attend a class face to face, the opportunity to join. During this time the attendance increased dramatically. It is hoped that when we return face to face classes next year we will continue to use Zoom as well.
Helen says, “I see a dramatic difference in the women who regularly attend the classes. They enjoy the sessions and I watch in awe as they improve in both balance and movement”.
Below is feedback from participants at Think Pink:
‘Thank you for your willingness to help us improve our quality of life.’
‘Helen, you are an amazing instructor of a great art. It sure is a form of exercise and meditation for me. Thank you.’
‘A recent Tai Chi class on-line involved 30 people, six times the normal class size.’
‘It is a class for everyone, no matter what age or experience.’
‘I am left with very positive feelings’.
‘The gentle exercises have dramatically improved my arm movements after surgery.’
‘My Oncologist is delighted that I am doing Tai Chi and believes it is very beneficial for me’.
‘I look forward to the classes every week and even in my unco-ordinated way I can see improvement, not only in my physical movement and balance but the mental stimulation it gives me to try to remember and execute the movements properly’.
Apart from the free on-line classes mentioned above, from April we organised many Tai Chi classes via Zoom for many organisations. When our regular face to face Thursday classes with the City of Melbourne (COM) stopped in April we worked with them and quickly organised Zoom classes which commenced in May. These proved so successful that an additional class was added on Tuesdays. They are now part of the daily life of many participants. Please see the attached thank you letter from a participant. We will definitely continue Tai Chi in Zoom with COM in 2021.
Early in the year students from TCA started regular Tai Chi Classes via Zoom. Within a couple of weeks we were joined by local, interstate and international students. We have become a huge family having fun together, practicing Tai Chi together whilst preventing and combating COVID 19. Zoom classes will become part of our TCA regular curriculum in the future.
From Judy in Brighton Class: “Learning by zoom has also inspired our grandchildren to join too. Below is a photo of my granddaughter and me doing tai chi last night. She was staying with me and was fascinated by me learning from Song on television. She couldn’t stop watching and counting all the moves with Song too. I had a bit of trouble getting the sword off her too.”
During the pandemic, last September Song joined a group of international experts in a Health, Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine to conduct different seminars in different areas of Canada. It was organised by Hot Yoga Wellness International, Canada. Song delivered a workshop in Ba Duan Jin from 11.00pm to 3.00am. All the participants loved his classes and had great fun with ‘Song from downunder’.
At 10am on September 12, Health Qigong Australia (HQA) in conjunction with Tai Chi Australia (TCA) held a special celebration for the 4th World Health Qigong Day via Zoom in Melbourne.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic worldwide this year’s celebration was different from previous years. Co-ordinated by the IHQF enthusiastic Health Qigong practitioners from over 72 organisations from 48 countries gathered together in the ‘Cloud’ to practice Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin to celebrate this momentous event.
See the following links:
Beijing, December 17 (Xinhua). The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) inscribed on Thursday China’s Taijiquan (known as Tai Chi in the West) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
See the following link: https://www.taichiaustralia.com.au/post/taijiquan-listed-as-unesco-intangible-cultural-heritage
January Practice Classes have been organised as follows:
Date and time:
Tuesdays 12th and 19th January
6.30pm to 8.00pm
Saturdays 16th and 23rd January
9.00am to 10.30am
Venue: Gardiner Park, St Edmonds Grove, Glen Iris
Note: If it is raining, classes will be held at our TCA training centre across the road.
These practice classes are designed to review, refine and practice as many forms as possible, depending on numbers of students and instructors. No matter how far you have got with a form, you are more than welcome to attend.
Cost: $20 payable on the day.
As restrictions become more relaxed and face to face classes resume with some conditions, we confirm the following classes will continue as scheduled: Boronia, Brighton, Federation Square, Glen Iris, Glen Waverley, Malvern, Noble Park, South Yarra, Tyabb and Williamstown. We hope to receive confirmation from Cheltenham School in early January.
We need to find an alternative location for the first two terms to hold our Brunswick classes. If anyone knows of a reasonable size hall, available on Thursday night, please let me.
The Federation Square class will resume from Tuesday January 19, 2021 at 7.30am. Term dates and park lesson details are at the bottom of this newsletter.
As we enjoyed positive feedback from all Zoom classes we will continue them in 2021. Please let us know by email what you would like to learn and practise in the Zoom class.
After more than 4 years of holding our prices, we must increase our term fees to meet rising costs.
From the start of January 2021 the new fees will be as follows:
Term Fee: $180 or $170 for concession
Additional Classes with extra form: $90.00
Additional classes with the same form: $50
Casual class: $30
Please note for concession, you will need to have one of the following cards:
Centrelink Health Care Card (cards issued in the name of a child are not eligible)
Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
Veterans' Affairs Pensioner Concession Card
Veterans' Affairs Gold Card for all conditions.
This is a special year and we have a special award for TCA’s most dedicated student - Helga Anderson. Helga is a student at Cheltenham class and has been attending Zoom lessons from the beginning. She is eager to learn and to practice the Forms daily with enthusiasm, dedication and perseverance, an example of a GOOD student. Congratulations Helga.
TCA has achieved much during the COVID 19 lockdown and it would not have been possible without the team work of the Instructors and Trainees. Special thanks to Frank, Graham and Michael for their valuable suggestions and assistance with Zooming, to David for helping with Website updates and Newsletters, to Helen, Judy and Judy for taking some classes. I can’t thank my Instructors enough for their contribution to the TCA community as this is something money cannot buy and your loyalty is valued by us all. From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of all students, thank you again.
We love receiving letters or articles from TCA students to include in our newsletter. Please e-mail info@taichiaustralia.com.au and address it to the Editor.
It is TCA policy to ensure that teaching is of the highest professional standard and that students are provided with as wide a range of learning opportunities as possible to advance their Tai Chi understanding and practice.
Whatever your plans are for the holiday period, we hope they are filled with joy, reconnection and time to re-charge. At TCA, we wish you and your family a safe festive season and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021.
Master Han Jin Song
Chief Instructor Tai Chi Australia
PO Box 59, Glen Iris, 3146
T: (03) 9889 9999
M: 0415 99 33 99
E: info@taichiaustralia.com.au
W: www.taichiaustralia.com.au